Written by Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association
Passport To Livermore Valley

It’s almost a new year and time for new adventures. It is the perfect time to treat yourself or someone else to the gift of adventure with a 2024 Livermore Valley Wine Passport!
The Livermore Valley Wine Passport is our personal invitation for you to come explore this wine region that has historical roots dating back to the 1800’s and has now hosted 6 generations of winemakers and growers.
For only $350 a year, this passport allows you and a guest to visit 34 wineries over the course of the year, and includes a complimentary tasting for 2 at every one of these unique properties. We have a special Black Friday Deal not to be missed. On Black Friday (November 24) get your Livermore Valley Wine Passport for only $299! This is a ONE DAY DEAL, so make sure to take advantage of it. *Passport is good for two people.

The vision of the passport program is to encourage visitors to make their way around our Valley and try every participating winery once. If you fall in love and wish to be a repeat guest at your favorite spots, we hope you will join our wineries’ clubs. Wine Clubs are designed for fans to become insiders to enjoy events, special wine release parties, and discounts, all while giving our wineries fundamental support.
Livermore Valley Wine Country is the closest wine region for many Bay Area residents and is nestled just a few miles off the California coast, directly east of the San Francisco Bay. We invite you to join us to fully immerse yourself in some of the best California Wines and winery experiences. You will find that Livermore Valley not only has some of the best wines you will ever taste, but the sense of community is like no other wine region in the world. When you travel to Livermore you leave as family.
Passport can be used from January 1 through December 31, 2024.

3 Steves Winery https://3steveswinery.com/
Arroyo Cellars https://www.arroyocellars.com/
Bent Creek Winery https://www.bentcreekwinery.com/
BoaVentura de Caires Winery https://boaventuravineyard.com/
Bodegas Aguirre Winery https://www.bodegasaguirre.com/
Caddis Winery https://www.caddiswine.com/Visit-Us/Livermore-Valley
Charles R Vineyards https://charlesrwinery.com/
Concannon Vineyard https://www.concannonvineyard.com/
Cuda Ridge Wines https://cudaridgewines.com/
Dante Robere Vineyards https://www.danterobere.com/
Darcie Kent Estate Winery https://darciekentvineyards.com/
Del Valle Winery https://delvallewinery.com/
el Sol Winery https://www.elsolwine.com/
Favalora Vineyards Winery https://www.lvwine.org/winery/749/favalora-vineyards-winery
Fenestra Winery https://www.fenestrawinery.com/
Free Range Flower Winery https://www.freerangeflowerwinery.com/
Garre Vineyard and Winery https://www.garrewinery.com/
JMC Cellars https://jmccellars.wine/
Las Positas Vineyards https://www.laspositasvineyards.com/
Leisure Street Winery https://leisurestreetwinery.com/
Longevity Wines https://www.longevitywines.com/
McGrail Vineyards and Winery https://mcgrailvineyards.com/
Murrieta’s Well https://murrietaswell.com/
Nottingham Cellars https://www.nottinghamcellars.com/
Occasio Winery https://occasiowinery.com/
Omega Road Winery https://www.omegaroadwinery.com/
Page Mill Winery https://www.pagemillwinery.com/
Pruett Farms Winery https://www.pruettwine.com/
Rodrigue Molyneaux Winery https://rmwinery.com/
Rosa Fierro Cellars https://www.rosafierrocellars.com/
The Steven Kent Winery https://stevenkent.com/
The Singing Winemaker https://thesingingwinemaker.com/
Wente Vineyards Tasting Lounge https://wentevineyards.com/visit
Wood Family Vineyards https://woodfamilyvineyards.com/

Passport – Offers complimentary tasting for 2 ONE TIME at 34 Livermore Valley Wineries and bottle discounts on the purchase of 3 bottles or more. $350.00
- Valid January 1st – December 31st, 2024
- Complimentary tasting for the Passport holder + one guest
- Passport is valid for ONE visit at each winery
- 10% discount on 3-bottle purchases all year
- Not valid on LVWA event weekends or winery events
- More than $1,500 worth of wine country experiences